Principal's Message

Week of June 3

Hello Marshall Families,

This is it!  Thank you so much for all your support this year.  This is the last Sunday message from me for a while since we are entering the final week of school.  I am going to try to keep this concise, but there is a lot of information to get out, so I apologize in advance for the length of this email.

Thursday, June 6 is the last day of school for all students.  The Promotion ceremony for our 8th graders starts at 8:30 Thursday morning.  The families of 8th grade students have received information about that already.  Promotion takes place on the PE fields.  If you are not attending Promotion and normally drop off in the mornings at the PE fields, please find another location on Thursday so as not to get caught up in the Promotion traffic and parking situation. 

For 6th and 7th grade students, Thursday is a minimum day with dismissal at 12:45 p.m.  On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will be on a Friday schedule starting with period 6 and ending with period 1 both days.  I know that doesn’t seem to make much sense, but we have to do that because of the way the bells are programmed.  It’s a long story.

If your child has not returned their textbooks yet, please send them to school as soon as possible.  All textbooks need to be returned to the library immediately.  If eighth grade students have missing books, it may complicate the transfer of their records to the high school.  Please check with your students to make sure their books have been returned.

As we wrap up the current school year, we are also preparing for the 2024-2025 school year.  LCFF forms, which play an important role in determining school funding, are available in the Parent Portal of PowerSchool.  You may have received a Survey Monkey reminder from the district recently reminding you that the window to complete the forms is open.  Please take the time to do this as soon as possible to ensure that MMS receives the funding our students deserve.

Thank you all again.  I hope you have a fantastic summer and best wishes moving forward.



Stephen Olds, Principal

[email protected]

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