Emotional Health Support:
Mental illness can happen to anyone. It doesn't matter what you look like, what you wear, or where you come from. People struggling with mental health concerns sometimes don't reach out for help because they are worried about what others will think. How can YOU help break the stigma of mental illness? Start by watching this video about mental health stigma awareness and share it with a friend.
NEW! Marshall's Virtual Wellness Center
Contact your Marshall Counselor beginning August 21st and we can connect via email, phone call, or Zoom meeting.
Just click on your counselor's name at the top of this page to contact us via email. We are here to support you!
Check out our resource page, Feeling Stressed?, on coping with stress and anxiety in healthy ways. Marshall counselors have compiled a list of recommended apps, videos, and articles that can be helpful at this time.
Click on the links below to get in contact with a trained counselor and/or resources for support. Most of the crisis referrals are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Crisis Text Line (CTL)
LGBT National Help Center Peer Support Chat
Know The Signs
Now Matters Now
Suicide Prevention and Support
Teen Health and Wellness
Teen Line
Teen Link
Trevor Project
Academic Support:
MMS Distance Learning Hacks for Success - tips and tricks for learning at home
Tips for Teens on Better Homework and Study Habits
Homework and Study Habits: Tips for Kids & Teenagers
How to Get Good Grades in 10 Easy Steps by Linda O'Brien
How to Organize Your New e-learning Life - a Time Management Tutorial for Middle School Student - YouTube video
Time Management for Schoolwork
Being a Successful Student Online
Email Etiquette for Students